Lead Author, Business and Biodiversity Assessment, IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services). In progress. 2023-2025.
Expert declarations and reports, various legal cases involving environmental compliance and environmental monitoring and enforcement. Ongoing.
“Report on the Repeal of the Clean Water Rule and its Replacement with the Navigable Waters Protection Rule to Define Waters of the United States (WOTUS),” w/ D. Keiser, S. Olmstead, K. Boyle, V. Flatt, B. Keeler, D. Phaneuf, and J. Shapiro. External Environmental Economics Advisory Committee (E-EEAC) report on the state of economic science as it relates to the Waters of the United States. December 2020.
“An academic perspective on EPA’s enforcement program,” Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce. February 26, 2019. Video available here.
“The Performance of Clean Water Act Monitoring and Enforcement,” Testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Oct. 15, 2009.
“Disparities in PM2.5 air pollution in the United States,” w/ J. Colmer, I. Hardman, and J. Voorheis was picked up by more than 100 news outlets including AAAS, Reuters, the Guardian, Science News, NPR, Gizmodo, UPI news, and UVA Today.
Media coverage of work on water quality, corporate social responsibility, disaster preparedness, and mercury in seafood was picked up by outlets including the Atlantic, Boston Globe, Futurity, Huffington Post, Le Monde, NPR, New York Times, Newsweek, Seafood Source, Seattle Times, Slate, Vox, the Washington Post.
Co-Organizer, Evidence-Based Programs for Environmental Compliance webinars, 2017 – 2019.
This webinar series, hosted by EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance and the Environmental Council of the States (ECOS), helped administrators at local, state, and federal agencies appreciate how collaboration with researchers can identify effective and measurable approaches for enhancing compliance.
Co-Organizer, Sustainability Officer Round Tables, 2016 – 2018.
With UVa Darden faculty, these sustainable business round tables brought together corporate sustainability officers from large multi-nationals and small groups of academics and policy practitioners for facilitated dialogue. Key themes include: (1) What can companies to do to become leaders in sustainability innovation? (2) What should government policy makers do to encourage and incentivize sustainable business in the US?
Co-Organizer, Innovative Approaches to Foster Environmental Compliance workshop, Jan 2017.
This workshop brought together regulators from federal and state agencies and a select group of academic scholars from a variety of disciplines for a constructive dialogue about how research can inform the pursuit of innovative “next generation” approaches to foster environmental compliance.
Co-Organizer, Reflections on Responsible Regulation workshop, March 2013.
This Murphy Institute conference brought together law, economic, and business scholars to address the complexities of ‘responsible regulation.’ Goals were to facilitate: (1) insights relevant to regulation in general, regardless of area; (2) a scholarly dialogue about regulation transcending disciplinary boundaries.
Advisor, the Public Monitoring and Enforcement of Law, USEPA and USDA, 2015 - 2020.
These ongoing formal collaborations between UVa and the US Environmental Protection Agency, and between UVa and the US Department of Agriculture, serve to help agencies create and evaluate monitoring and enforcement tools for assuring compliance with federal regulations.